The new owners of this property between Holt and Norwich had settled on the area to the side of the house as the site for a new kitchen garden.  Their priority was for an area that was practical and functional, but one which would also be pleasing to the eye without using expensive materials. The sloping part of the site was to be terraced whilst maintaining access for regular trimming of the boundary hedge.  A mature Camellia was to be conserved if at all possible.

In early April there are now masses of cowslips, all self-seeded.

Having agreed an outline design, work started with stripping off the turf, lifting the paving slabs and removing the hardcore underneath.  The new beds were dug out, edged with treated timber and filled with a mixture of soil and compost. The Camellia was moved to another part of the garden where, with regular watering throughout the rest of the season, it soon settled in. 

By late April the buttercups have taken over.

The old slabs were cleaned up and re-laid to form paths between the new beds.


Sleepers were used to construct the terraces, with each terrace having a single bed and access path surfaced with the re-used slabs. 


A few months later, the owners have planted the terraces with bush and cane fruits which are establishing well, and the vegetable beds have had a productive first season. 
